2012 International Congress of Odonatology. Odawara, Japan. 2012
Congress Program / Fun activities / Mid congress field trip
Mid congress field trip
We will arrange a beautiful mid-congress trip for you on. On July 31, buses will take you to various dragonfly habitats, such as lakes, ponds, swamps, rivers, springs and man-made biotopes, in the area of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. We will bet you enjoy great views of Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashinoko. Weather permitting, you will have chances to watch, photograph and even collect dragonflies including those endemic to eastern Asia during this trip. The trip will be concluded by an evening BBQ with drinks on the garden-restaurant adjacent to the biotope.

a lake
A lake.
a lake
a pond
A Pond.
a swamp
A Swamp. a pond

a river
A River. a river